10 Reasons Why Prom Is Not Important
1. Why did you pick this topic? Why did you pick this side of the argument? Is it a side
you personally believe in?
The topic was chosen because the actual event is coming up and it is a very debatable topic. The reason why I choose this side of the topic is because I personally don't want to go to prom.
2. What was it like to research only one side of a topic while trying to ignore any
opposing research for information? Was it easy to stay focused? Was it easy to
remain biased towards your one side?
It was pretty easy to research only one side of the topic. It was easy to stay focused on my topic. It was easy to stay biased on my side of the question
3. Why does your infographic look the way it does? What choices did you make about
text, size, color, images, charts, research, format/style and overall presentation? Why
did you make these choices as you did?
The reason why my infographic looks like the is because it is the simple and easiest to do. The choices I made the font size, the images, the format. The reason why I made these choices is because it would make it easier for the reader to see it and understand it.
4. Do you think your infographic is effective in convincing your audience towards the
idea you were assigned? Why or why not?
I think my infographic would be convincing and effective in the topic I was assigned. The reason being is because sometime the cost is too expensive and people don't have enough to buy a ticket
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